Benefits of Automated Testing and Why Should We Use it for Business Apps?
software development company tests its products, yet released software
always has bugs. Test engineers attempt to catch them before the product
is released but the bugs find a way to always creep in and they often
reappear, even with the most reliable manual testing methods. With this
rapid pace of technology, it has become challenging for companies to
manage the quality of their web and mobile applications. Due to the
short time window in agile development and cost factors, testing often
misses the consideration it deserves. Lack of automated testing results
in the average quality of end product, delay in delivery time, and an
increase in development costs. The reason behind such shortcomings can
be an unplanned test management approach, slow development, and
miscalculated effort of creating a test case.
Why Automated Testing?
software testing is performed by a human, sitting in front of a computer
going through web application testing screens. They try various use
cases and input combinations, comparing the results to the expected
performance and documenting their observations. Manual tests are
repeated frequently during development cycles for modifications in the
source code and other situations like multiple operating conditions and
hardware configurations. But a software automation testing tool
can playback pre-recorded and predefined operations, compare the
results to the expected delivery and communicate the success or failure
of these manual tests to a test engineer. Read full blog here - Benefits of Automated Testing and Why Should We Use it for Business Apps?
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